Motapel PN-300

Motapel PN-300 is a raw material for producing og air-entraining agent in concrete admixture and construction chemical.



Appearance: Yellow liquid
Nature: Quaternary Ammonium compounds
Ionity: Anionic
pH (1:10 solution): 7 ± 0.5
Chloride content (ppm): Max. 200
Solubility: Soluble in water
Shelf Time: Up to one year in closed area
Packing: 50 - 200 Kgs. Drums


Application & Recommendation:

Motapel PN-300 is the international creation of tiny
air bubbles in concrete. The bubbles are introduced
into the concrete by the addition to the mix of an air
entraining agent to increase workability and strength
against air condition.


According to our best knowledge and technical experiments, the above data is true and accurate. Regarding to variety of consumption procedures, it is recommended to evaluate the information before use.