Motapel EM-222

Motapel EM-222 is a substance based on polymerized materials solved in water that provides a proper adhesion to concrete surfaces after dehydration.




Appearance:  Milky liquid
Nature: Polar oxidized was emulsion
Ionity: Nanionic
pH (1:10 solution): 7 ± 0.5
Shelf Time: Up to one year in closed area
Packing: 50 - 200 Kgs. Drums


Application & Recommendation:

Motapel EM-222 is a curing compound for fresh concrete which is removed easily after curing is complete for subsequent applications of sealers or coating. Some advantages of possible and eliminate watering and wetting on the concrete surface.
Curing agent


According to our best knowledge and technical experiments, the above data is true and accurate. Regarding to variety of consumption procedures, it is recommended to evaluate the information before use.